The long-awaited South Indian movie ‘Lucky Baskhar’ trailer is finally out. After a long break, first time Dulquer Salmaan collaborated with director Vencky Atluri. The multilingual film from Sithara Entertainments assures an extraordinary journey of an ordinary man. Dulquer Salmaan passionately hunts for wealth without morals.
The initial act of Lucky Baskhar’s 2.33-minute teaser, which features Dulquer Salmaan in a simple family man avatar, is followed by a fascinating transformation. Baskhar, the title character and a member of the “borderline poverty” community, presents his mediocre family at the outset. A drastic change of circumstances occurs, though, and the “perfect” protagonist is seen going to great lengths to earn money and give their family a good life. Later on, we see him sacrificing to the intoxication that comes with having money.
The Protagonist of Lucky Bashkhar
Dulquer Salmaan is phenomenal as the grey character. He fits the role of this one true, sincere, and noble timepiece with his exceptional acting skills. Emotions are also there in his eyes and body language which provide another layer to this character-driven drama. Meenakshi Chaudhary as Sumathi has also bagged some impressive chemistry with Dulquer Salmaan that makes those scenes a visual treat. The trailer guarantees a superlative performance-backed drama –a fresh experience for Indian cinema.
The emotional intensity elaborates when his wife, Sumathi, challenges Baskhar’s new attitude, encouraging him to express, “It’s not arrogance; it’s courage.” Baskhar’s change leads to a chilling statement: “He is not bad; He is just rich,” which captures the film’s main theme: the impact of wealth on individual identity. His assertion that “money is more intoxicating than Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Drugs” emphasizes the dangerous appeal of financial endeavor- how it can affect badly a person.
The technical set-up is also almost matching the lofty promises of the film. Nimish Ravi’s wide-angle sweep captures and sets up dreamy landscapes that fascinate the viewer in Bombay of the late 80s and 90s. Sets by Banglan recreate the era, believably and aptly supporting the mood and scenes. An imaginative background score from GV Prakash Kumar bodes well for the trailer, which itself has seen great success, just like the songs he came up with. Sound design and editing under Navin Nooli add to the end product.
Lucky Baskhar is one of those Telugu films, which will have an entirely grand global release on October 31, 2024. This movie is produced by Sai Soujanya, under the Fortune Four Cinemas banner, and Suryadevara Naga Vamsi, under the Sithara Entertainments banner, jointly presented by Srikara Studios.
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